Unlike using spices for cooking, in medicinal usage they are taken in large quantities in order to treat particular maladies.
(A) Unlike using spices for cooking, in medicinal usage they are taken (B) Unlike spices that are used in cooking, in using spices for medicine, they are taken (C) Unlike cooking with spices, taking spices for medicinal use is done (D) In cooking, small quantities of spices are used, whereas in medicinal usage spices are taken (E) In cooking, the usage of spices is in small quantities, whereas in medicinal usage they are taken 答案选D。但个人认为D答案并没有E好,因为E答案whereas前后更加平行,至于E中they指代不清也并不是什么大问题。个人觉得相对于指代来讲,平行更为重要。恳请牛牛解答。