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[备考日记] 记录给自己看!迫在眉睫!!!828一定要给力!!

发表于 2011-8-9 22:54:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
828都是我的四战了,泪奔啊,姐的目标是米国MSF top50啊,T没有100可不是惨了么!!姐前三战分别是84,94,97~~~话说每次都在进步有木有,但是为什么就是上不了100呢啊啊!!!
没有多少时间了,姐现在还在颓废中,写这个帖子就是求监督!求战友!(有木有2012 fall MSF的童鞋,加我Q啊!364075979)


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发表于 2011-8-10 08:40:58 | 只看该作者



发表于 2011-8-10 09:00:50 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-8-10 10:59:29 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-10 19:50:56 | 只看该作者




 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-12 00:45:05 | 只看该作者

又把今天实习时候听写的一篇TPO忘在公司的电脑里了。哎,破记性~回寝室已经是7点多了,脑残的我又逛了好久淘宝,才做了几篇高分120的听力。听写了ancient written language那篇,但是只来得及听写中文版的了~


P:这是一个好问题。你们都应该意识到,这些被记录下的文献都可能是有问题的。但是当有了自己的考虑,特别是很有可能可以得到别的一些资料的时候,就能加深我们对于历史的理解。为了能翻译这些WW是很困难的,我的意思是起码要知道写的是什么,然后把事实从虚构中抽离出来。如果没有它们,去认识古文化是一项非常累的工作。所以文献记载是非常重要的,用这个来区分历史和史前历史。如果你们想了解最早的文献记载出现的时间,我想最早的WL应该是,我的意思是可能是,中东的M。M 写,起源于XX年前。很幸运的是,很多还留了下来。大约有50lines是我们已经知道的。M用xx来写字,而且他们不写在纸上,纸在那时还没有被发明,他们写在用石头和clay做的XX上。这样的选择是很幸运的,这使得这些文献能经过那么多年传到现代考古学家的手上。更幸运的是,M写的时间是在XX年左右,考古学家研究了这个城市,发现了一块黑石头,有两米长。在这块石头表明,覆盖着XX。经过几年XX的努力,被发现和古希腊有相同处,被认为是282法典。他包含了XX, 人权,和商业交易。后面是不是有人举手?
P: 对。我说了M很可能是最早的语言,直到现在也没有证据来怀疑M是最早发明WL。然后radio carbon dating研究就被应用于在埃及发现的WL,发现埃及的WL起码和M的WL一样老,在有些时候比M的更老,虽然只有几个世纪。所以,你是对的,这个问题还是没有确切的答案。

good night!!大家都加油!!
 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-13 19:59:19 | 只看该作者


好了,昨天做了TPO21, 正确率还可以吧,今天听写了lecture 2 的英文版,交作业咯~

English Version

We've discussing the software designing cycle, and today i would move to a next stage of the cycle, testing. And why finding bugs during testing is actually a great thing? The quality of the software product relied on heavily on how it will be tested.
S: just a quick thing, bug is the worm in the computer for the program world, correct?
P: yes. In code, or in a computer itself. It is a bit of story behind that term. Back to the 1940s, when the computer industry was starting, a group of computer scientists were working late one night, and there's one problem with a computer's circus. When they examined it ,they found a 5cm long XX XX there. Once they dig out the bug, it was just fine. And ever since then, all computer problems have been called "bugs".
Anyway, you won't find bugs when the software was still in the development of  testing faces. Finding the bugs in the software decided to put in the mkt would be quite embarrassing. Generally speaking, any software development department has a group of testers and a group of designers. Jack?
S: and they are different people?
P: they are generally completely different people. My personal view is that they have to e different people because developers always have buyers towards their work. And it blind them of some problems might be obvious to others. So it's always good to have different eyes XX there to make sure everything's tested properly. OK. Here's the key. Developers and testers have different mentalities. The mentality of the soft developers is constructive, creative, they work together to create sth new. The testers, on the other hand, their entire goal is to test the product and to find the problems with it, to improve it. And this difference of the developers and the testers can lead to a environment there is little friction. And that friction sometimes make it difficult for them to work together. There're 2 products that i worked for a couple of years ago. One product that we call "XX", which the developers and the testers did not work well together, and the other i would call it unity, which the two teams work very well together. during the "split" product, we have dean meeting, where the developers and the testers met together to discuss various problems and how they should be fixed. And you can sense the conflicts just by walking on the room. Literally, the testers and the developers just sat on the opposite of the table, and the developers are very defensive about the feedback.
S: well, if bugs were pointed out, they would be so happy since it is their work.
P: exactly. Since the two groups can not work well together, the fix would be very very slowly. And you know, there's some time when you find out a bug, you introduce new bugs and you find bugs in new areas only come to lie because sth has been changed. So fixing all those new additional bugs was also been related. The test process would be much longer than expected, and we end up having the XX product in the market with no bugs in it., which was obviously not ideal.
S: ok. What about ptoduct "unity", how would it be different?
P:  this was different because the two teams worked close together. During the defeat meetings and instead putting up wars, we didn't talk about who should fix this and whose false, we only know that we should make it fixed. So if we have 10 bugs, we would say that you know what? Let's do it first, because this one is supposed to fix the other we haven't seen it. So we were proactive and effective. Because we were so much effective with our time , we were actually do more than just fixing the bugs. We even put an improvement we haven't planned.


 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-14 17:11:10 | 只看该作者
yoxiyoxi!!今天睡到早上11点多,总算把一个礼拜的困意给赶跑了。 看了几集friends,又下了几个演讲,开始做高分120的听力。写了一篇听写,这次是中文和英文都交全了哦,呵呵!!
等下再听写一篇insurance history交上来,因为这篇听得不大清楚。。。

Lecture 11
Gullies on mars

Chinese Version
OK. 现在让我们讨论一个炙手可热的话题。即使是对天文不感兴趣的人也知道,现在天文学家在找火星上有水的证据。很多的研究者自从我们第一次发现表面的照片开始就很忙碌。他们很幸运。几年前,有宇宙的探测器发回了清晰的图片,看上去就像沟一样,你们知道我的意思,就像地球上的dishes被水覆盖。这对每个人来说都很惊讶。看上去火星上一直存在着液态水。他们看上去那么像地球上被水覆盖的gully,以至于科学家找不到除了水之外别的解释。
P:我很高兴你问了这个问题。这也被建议过。但是有一些问题。冰通常在crater的一边产生,在crater上面是edge of the rain. 这说明XX很接近地表。另外,对科学家来说,这些gully还很年轻。因为edges没有消失,但如果老的话,他们就会消失。如果他们年轻而且源头很浅,这说明水已经存在了几百万年了,而且没有完全消失。这可能吗?最后,为什么这些只在最冷地方产生的现象会存在在海拔中度的地方?只有在火星最冷的部分才能找到水的存在。

OK. Let's talk sth that is pretty hot recently. Even people with no special interests in astronomy, now know about the search for evidence that mars once has water. Plenty of reseachers has been busy at this since we were first able to take high resivention pictures of the planet surface. Well, they finally get lucky. Several years ago, an obiting spacecraft begin to send detailed images that look like gullies. You know what i mean, like diches covered by running water on earth. This was a surprise to everyone. It appeared that mars still have liquid water. At least from time to time. They looked so simliar to the water-covered gullies here on earth that the researchers could have no other explanations besides a loshing liquid. No one who saw them could.
S: but professor, how can we sure it's fluing water? Mars is pretty cold, isn't it? Could it be some other liquid like methane or sth? I know i read about methane liquid in other planets in the solar system.
S2: i don't think mars is that cold. I mean it's not like Satan or Jupiter.
P: that's right, paul, it isn't. The mars's environment is pretty strange by earth standards. But that's not strange enough for the liquid to be methane or some other substance that you may found in planets that further from the sun. That leaves the water the only possibility. But the gullies, if it is really what they are, give us new questions to think about. The surface on the mars is an extremely dry place, drier than any desert here on earth. If water covered gullies, they must be there with large amounts. After all, they are huge fxx spread vast areas. So we have to ask ourselves, how long ago did this happen? Where did all that water come from? And where did them go?
Well, the gullies could have been cut by the water from melting layer's ice buried on the rocky surface. This suggestion was made to explain how the water could last long enough in this atmosphere to cover large gullies. The low atmosphere pressure should cause any surface water to boil and vaperate very quickly. If the water flow from the beneath the ice sheet, ice that partially  buried on closely enough covered to the rest of the surface to be difficult to detect photos from orbit. If it was happening, the liquid water would be shot from the low atmosphere pressure by the ice and rock above it. The idea was inspired by an image of the marshier inpad crater. Gullies were seen on the crater cold north XX, and immediately next to them, was a section of very smooth surface. Mars researches have concluded that this smooth suface was composed of a material  that evaporate slowly into the thin atmosphere. Because it occurs only in the most coldest shouter areas. The most likely composition is ice. This ice sheet could be both short and sheet from the water that cut gullies.
S: but why couldn' t underground springs and rivers have the same effect if the water from them flowing down on to the surface?
P: i am happy you suggested. It is also been suggested. But there are questions about this idea. The gullies often appear on the side of the craters, and stand upon the sides almost the very edge of the rain. This indicates that the source is very close to the surface. Also to the geologist, the gully looks very young. I see this because the edges were not worn away like they would be if they are older. If they are recent and from a swallow source, that means the water in underground spaces would be close to the surface for billions of years without evaporating away completely. How likely is that? Finally, why did they occur most often in a cold surface sat in the middle attitudes? This among the coldest place on the planet just where large snow and ice sheet were mostly be found.

发表于 2011-8-14 19:14:17 | 只看该作者




-- by 会员 twwan (2011/8/10 19:50:56)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-14 19:48:08 | 只看该作者


Lecture 12
Insurance history

第一,让我们了解保险业是怎么发展的。我们知道XX地区的保险公司会走很远的路去确保他们水运的货物的安全。事实上,他们会穿越XX去确保货物平安到达目的地。这是一个消耗时间和金钱的活动,我也确信这一定是很危险的。所以有些人有了更好的想法。在3000BC, 最早的保险的形式形成,叫bottomry. 在这种形式下,所有船只和货物的债务会被提高,船这样被aport。有想法把这个方法再深入,另一种保险的形式“general average"被发明。如果货物遗失是为了使船只脱险,损失就被补偿。XX,你有问题?
P: 只要记住如果船丢了,B会取消所有的债务,没有后续的工作了。G会补偿船的拥有者如果是为了船而牺牲货物的话。船不必要为了G沉没。行吗?
S: 这样我就明白了。谢谢。
这样的情况持续了很久。到了1100和1800之间,产生了很多新的想法。在1255,一个交付insurance premium的系统在维也纳第一次产生。产生的收入给了丢失物品的shipper。我必须指出这个发生在LL提供underwriting的服务的400年前。当XX在1700变得很普遍的时候,这是现代保险业形成背后的推手。当他变得普遍的时候,XXX。如果船丢了,船的拥有者不会对所有贷款负责,他们可以像今天保险业的运行方式那样得到钱。付钱的人其实挺好的。很多shipper的确运作很安全。从所有ship那里收来的钱比补偿丢失的损失要多。

English version
This afternoon we will talk sth in detail about how the insurance business get started. Does anyone happen to know the world's oldest insurance company? I thought that could be an easy one. How about a little hint? It is a company still operating today. I think most of you would recognize its name.
S: i am pretty sure it is a british company. I'll guess, and it is just a guess, i 'll say it is probably loyalty of london.
P: pretty guess! LL is the 1st insurance company has been regonized as such. But it was wrong to say it is the first provider of insurance. But i'll get an hint myself. 1st, let me explain how the concept of insurance get its birth. We know from historical records that insurance mergence in the mxx region would ge great land to protect the good they shipped. In fact, they will travel their mergendaise to make sure goods arrive safely to their destination. This must be XX dealing time and money, and i am sure it is pretty dangerous as well. So someone came up with the better solution. Sometimes around 3000BC, the earliest insurance was started in some form called "bottomery". Under this arrangement, all debts of the ship and cargo would be raised for ship XX to make it aport. The idea was taken step further, when another kind of insurance called "general average" was created. The GA insure that the chater would be compensated when contribution of other merchants if the goods was lost as a part of effort to save the ship from danger. Yes, alan, was that your land i just saw?
S: i am sorry. I didn't quite get the difference between B and G.
P: just remember that B cancelled all debt if the ship was lost. But went no further. The G compensated the owner of the cargo if the goods was sacrificed in an effort to save the ship. The ship didn't have to sink for G to take a XX. Does that help?
S: that makes pretty clear. Thank you!
P: things stay that way for quite a while. Then between the 1100and 1800, more new ideas came along. In 1265, a system of charging insurance premium was used for the 1st time in venus. The income of those was paid to the chanters who experience losses during shipping. Now i have to point out that it is still 400 before the LL began to practice we today know as "underwrting". When XX begin to be commonplace in 1700, and this, this was the driving force behind the development of modern insurance. Well, when it began to become common, the owners of the ships maitain alone from the visitors, to finance their trading expenditure. If the ship was lost ,the owner would not be responsible to pay the loads, they can be offered money of general terms like these for the same reason where insurance still work today. Payers were relatively well. Most of the ships did make it safely to port. The interests paid the loans by many ship owners more than compensate a few of lost ships to storms or pXX.
As worldwide trade grew, so did the amount of money, and so did the money for this kind of protection. All that money to be made eventually went to the formally organized insurance companies. LL got its start in sometime around XX. Strange as we may see, it didn't start as an insurance company at all, just simple London cafehouse where merchants and bankers always have meetings. At these meetings, insurance would offer contract to shippers and write their name under the specific amount of risk they would accept in exchange for certain payment. They will soon know as underwriters. This form of insurance continues for quite a long time. It wasn't until 1769 that LL became more than a cafe house. That's one of the collabrative group of underwriter was finally formed form the people who have been meeting there.


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