TTGWD2-Q3 Not one of the potential investors is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merger agreement is signed that includes a provision for penalties if the deal were not to be concluded. A. is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merger agreement is signed that includes a provision for penalties if the deal were B. is expected to make an offer for buying First Interstate Bank until they sign a merger agreement including a provision for penalties if the deal was C. is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merger agreement be signed by them with a provision for penalties if the deal were D. are expected to make an offer for buying First Interstate Bank until it signs a merger agreement with a provision for penalties included if the deal was E. are expected to be making an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until they sign a merger agreement including a provision for penalties if the deal were 答案給C 我選B 我想問的是 (1).如果選C, 好像變成有兩個從屬子句連用1.until...penalties 2.if the deal were... not to be concluded 這樣不太合理吧 (2)若要用if the deal were...假設法,但是主要子句並沒有用would/could/should/might這樣是不是表應該用was(直說法ㄋ) (3)答案c改用被動,看起來就是一個怪, 國外的網站大家討論是a不知道大家覺得如何 我選b後來才發現make an offer for好像應該改用to 不過基於直說法的裡由 我一開始就刪掉a了,畢竟時態跟慣用語比起來是比較容易判斷的錯誤 |