我觉得OG里的解释挺清楚,你的理解也是对的 第一个only修饰heart desease and cancer 第二个only修饰surpassed这个动作
第一个表达很precise,因为整个句子的话题就是说Diabetes,这里对比Heart desease and cancer,说Diabeties作为leading cause of death仅次于那俩。 第二个表达比较模糊,"only surpassed by"可以理解为仅仅只是surpassed,(而非大大地超出)。这就造成了ambiguity.
这是SC强调句意为先的很典型的例子,类似only,对于more/less等等词的位置也必须要很敏感,从逻辑上去理解意思。 pay $5 a barrel more for crude oil than ... pay $5 a barrel for crude oil more than ... 前者很精确地表示每桶原油多付了$5,后者有歧义,可以是“原油价格既定为每桶$5("$5 a barrel for crude oil"作为整体),somehow多付了钱”
对于OG 12-5 牵扯出副词的修饰问题 还请大家解惑 一句话 Diabetes, together with its its serious complications, ranks as the nation's leading cause of death,surpassed only by heart desease and cancer. 前面部分相同 ,only surpassed by heart desease and cancer. 这有什么区别呢 我感觉不能用这个位置问题来排除选项 og解释的也好模糊 我的理解是 第一个only修饰heart desease and cancer 第二个only修饰surpassed这个动作 可是这二者都说得通 指出这个问题没有任何意义啊 我们也不能说only就应该修饰谁啊 哪位能解释一下这个问题呢 谢谢了先!
The modifier only moves around; according to the original (and correct) answer, we want to use only to limit “by heart disease and cancer” – that is, only heart disease and cancer surpass diabetes. In choices B, C, and E, “only” appears before “surpassed” – that is, heart disease and cancer only surpass diabetes. This would mean that there are no other actions, or verbs, by which we can relate heart disease and cancer to diabetes – only the verb “surpass.” It does not, however, maintain the original meaning: that there are only twothings that surpass diabetes as a cause of death.
我觉得OG里的解释挺清楚,你的理解也是对的 第一个only修饰heart desease and cancer 第二个only修饰surpassed这个动作
第一个表达很precise,因为整个句子的话题就是说Diabetes,这里对比Heart desease and cancer,说Diabeties作为leading cause of death仅次于那俩。 第二个表达比较模糊,"only surpassed by"可以理解为仅仅只是surpassed,(而非大大地超出)。这就造成了ambiguity.
这是SC强调句意为先的很典型的例子,类似only,对于more/less等等词的位置也必须要很敏感,从逻辑上去理解意思。 pay $5 a barrel more for crude oil than ... pay $5 a barrel for crude oil more than ... 前者很精确地表示每桶原油多付了$5,后者有歧义,可以是“原油价格既定为每桶$5("$5 a barrel for crude oil"作为整体),somehow多付了钱”
对于OG 12-5 牵扯出副词的修饰问题 还请大家解惑 一句话 Diabetes, together with its its serious complications, ranks as the nation's leading cause of death,surpassed only by heart desease and cancer. 前面部分相同 ,only surpassed by heart desease and cancer. 这有什么区别呢 我感觉不能用这个位置问题来排除选项 og解释的也好模糊 我的理解是 第一个only修饰heart desease and cancer 第二个only修饰surpassed这个动作 可是这二者都说得通 指出这个问题没有任何意义啊 我们也不能说only就应该修饰谁啊 哪位能解释一下这个问题呢 谢谢了先!