81. Sell 一词定乾坤 又是一个一词就决定胜败的例子。一个我们好像都认识的词,却蕴含着常人所不熟知的意味。 In an effort to reduce their inventories, Italian vintners have cut prices;their wines have been priced to sell, and they are. a.have been priced to sell, and they are b.are priced to sell, and they have c.are priced to sell, and they do d. are being priced to sell, and have e. had been priced to sell and they have 这是原OG中就有的老题,看了大家的讨论,总觉得没有挠到本人的痒处。最后查了查字典,有了惊人发现: 这个题的关键在什么地方?也许你根本想不到,在于Sell的理解: 请看AHD:Sell:Vi:To attract prospective buyers; be popular on the market。 这个用法在英美报刊上很常用的。而国人往往体会不好。 这道题的意思就是:“酒被(特意的)定价来好销,它们果然好销。” 替代一下: their wines have been priced to "be popular on the market", and they do "be popular on the market". 任谁看了都要省略,所以"do" 了。 当然,有点儿从答案倒推的嫌疑,可是如果你事先对sell的这个含义有熟悉的体会,则答案绝对就是一眼的事儿。不信您自己试试? 其实,我们这么辛苦地学习Gmat,这么辛苦地读MBA,不就是to be educated to sell 吗? |