Dirt roads may evoke the bucolic simplicity of another century, but financially strained townships point out that dirt roads cost twice as much as maintaining paved roads.
89. Dirt roads may evoke the bucolic simplicity of another century, but financially strained townships point out that dirt roads cost twice as much as maintaining paved roads.
A.dirt roads cost twice as much as maintaing paved roads B.dirt roads cost twice as much to maintain as paved roads do C.maintaining dirt roads costs twice as much as paved roads do D.maintaining dirt roads costs twice as much as it does for paved roads E.to maintain dirt roads costs twice as much as for paved roads
问题1: to maintain是做什么结构的? 问题2:按照主谓结构比较从句, 这题比较的是主语?那么后者的助动词do应该可以省略。我知道我的想法肯定有错,因为og没有省略 do。这是为什么?求nn指教。
B: dirt roads cost twice as much as paved roads cost to maintain
附一个省略例句: francis ran faster than xavier. francis ran faster than xavier ran.(ran--can be" do“)
both are right. 不引起歧义可以省 但不省不代表错.
-- by 会员 Gail小M (2011/3/11 12:41:32)
不好意思问一下,Og 85里,as 后的动词是“必须” 省略的,这又是为什么啦?
85. Salt deposits and moisture threaten to destroy the Mohenjo-Daro excavation in Pakistan, the site of an ancient civilization that ?ourished at the same time the civilizations in the Nile Delta and the river valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates. (A) that ?urished at the same time as the civilizations (B) that had ?ourished at the same time as had the civilizations (C) that ?ourished at the same time those had (D) ?ourishing at the same time as those did (E) ?ourishing at the same time as those were Verb form; Agreement The underlined portion of the sentence is a relative clause that describes an ancient civilization; the clause correctly uses the simple past tense, ?ourished, to describe civilizations that existed simultaneously. A Correct. In this sentence, the relative clause correctly uses the simple past tense. B Use of the past perfect, had ? ourished, is incorrect because it indicates a time prior to another action; the second had is redundant and unnecessary. C Plural pronoun those cannot refer to the singular civilization and thus lacks a referent; as is missing but necessary; had is the wrong verb tense. D Plural pronoun those cannot refer to the singular civilization and thus lacks a referent; did is awkward and unnecessary. E Plural pronoun those cannot refer to the singular civilization and thus lacks a referent; were is awkward and unnecessary.