A substance derived from the Madagascar periwinkle, which has proved useful in decreasing mortality among young leukemia patients, is cultivated in China as part of a program to integrate traditional herbal medicine into a contemporary system of health care. (A) A substance derived from the Madagascar periwinkle, which has proved useful in decreasing mortality among young leukemia patients, (B) A derivative, which has proved useful in decreasing mortality among young leukemia patients, of the Madagascar periwinkle, (C) A Madagascar periwinkle derivative, which has proved useful in decreasing mortality among young leukemia patients,(D) The Madagascar periwinkle has a derivative which has proved useful in decreasing mortality among young leukemia patients, that (E) The Madagascar periwinkle, a derivative of which has proved useful in decreasing mortality among young leukemia patients, 答案是e。。总觉得应该是c..因为是根据原文应该是m的衍生物才useful啊~求解 -- by 会员 saturnor (2010/8/10 22:50:57)