74. A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump into the Great Lakes. (A) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump (B) reduced the phosphate amount that municipalities had been dumping (C) reduces the phosphate amount municipalities have been allowed to dump (D) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities are allowed to dump (E) reduces the amount of phosphates allowed for dumping by municipalities
我是这样想的,他们签订了一个协议,“规定了the amount ”, 他们规定了能倾倒入湖里的量,that municipalities are allowed to dump我认为这根本与时态没关系,就是一个修饰,修饰什么什么的数量,与前面的话根本没关系。就象我们中文表达,“政府在****年规定,政府分配的房屋每个家庭不能超过一个,这规定在一定程度上减少了政府腐败”。你说我们还要纠结于“政府分配房屋”是从前的还是现在的么?一个修饰而已。至于reduced就像上面的例子,减少了政府腐败,我们还要纠结于是当时减少了,还是一直在减少知道现在?至少当时肯定是减少了。是规定在那个时候减少了它,规定里面有一个现在时修饰的具体要求。分开想就不会有错了。 og的解释也是对的,因为这个规定一直在生效。