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OG-SC里面有一些不懂的题目 麻烦大家帮忙解释一下 谢谢

发表于 2011-3-4 08:59:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
80.Salt deposits and moisture threaten to destroy the Mohenjo-Daro excavation in Pakistan, the site of an ancient civilization that flourished at the same time as the civilizations in the Nile delta and the river valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates.

(A)that flourished at the same time as the civilizations

(B)that had flourished at the same time as had the civilizations

(C)that flourished at the same time those had

(D)flourishing at the same time as those did

(E)flourishing at the same time as those were

Choice A, the best answer, uses the simple past tense flourished to describe civilizations existing simultaneously in the past.

Choice B wrongly uses the past perfect had flourished;past perfect tense indicates action that was completed prior to some other event described in the simple past tense: for example, "Mayan civilization had ceased to exist by the time Europeans first reached the Americas."

Choice C lacks as after time.

In choices C, D, and E, the plural pronoun those has no plural noun to which it can refer.

In C, had signals the incorrect past perfect;

did in D and were in E are awkward and unnecessary(没有歧义的时候补出动词多余,尤其在这儿,因为后边还有一堆介词短语,就更加显的笨拙,而且造成歧义).

D and E also incorrectly use the present participle flourishing where that flourished is needed.

分词和定语从句的区别,(这儿是一个3-2 split),整体与局部的。

其中的3-2split 是什么啊?

104.The diet of the ordinary Greek in classical times was largely vegetarian--vegetables, fresh cheese, oatmeal, and meal cakes, and meat rarely.

(A)and meat rarely

(B)and meat was rare

(C)with meat as rare

(D)meat a rarity

(E)with meat as a rarity
OG fails also, because it lacks a function word such as with to link it to the main clause. 为什么这里一定要有with呢?独立主格不是可以有n.+n.的形式吗?

OG fails also, because it lacks a function word such as with to link it to the main clause. 为什么这里一定要有with呢?独立主格不是可以有n.+n.的形式吗?

140Declining values for farm equipment and land, the collateral against which farmers borrow toget through the harvest season, are going to force many lenders to tighten or deny credit this spring.
the best answer, succinctly and clearly identifies the Declining values as the collateral against which farmers borrow(重要) and correctly uses the plural verb are.  我觉得不是应该是用农具和农田来做抵押品的么?为什么declining values变成了collateral?
Recently discovered fossil remains strongly suggest that the Australian egg-laying mammals of today are a branch of the main stem of mammalian evolu­tion rather than developing independently from a common ancestor of mammals more than 220 mil­lion years ago.
rather than a type whose development was independent of
In C, the expres­sion a type whose development was independentofa common ancestor states the opposite of the original point_that the type of mammal mentioned was thought to have developed independently of the main stem of mammalian evolution, but still to have descended from a common ancestor
146.A patient accusing a doctor of malpractice will find it difficult to prove damage if there is a lack of some other doctor to testify about proper medical proce­dures.
OG对A 的解释是:Choice A also introduces the unidiomatic phrase lack of some other doctor 这个unidiomatic在哪里?

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发表于 2011-3-25 16:51:12 | 只看该作者
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