Corporations have found a resonably quick resolution of disputes, confidentiality, and dramatically reduced costs are the advantages of settling differences privately by using mediators rather than the courts.
(A)a resonably quick resolution of disputes, confidentiality, and dramatically reduced costs (B)that dramatic reduction of costs, confidentiality, and resonably quick resolution of disputes (C)that dramatically reduced costs, confidentiality, and resonably quick resolution of disputes (D)that confidentiality, dramatically reduced costs, and a resonably quick resolution of disputes (E)dramatically reduced costs, confidentiality, and a resonably quick resolution of disputes
------- 关于of的问题,昨天晚上想了很多,认为
A of B, C, and D of E不会产生歧义
首先,在这个结构里大家对D of E 和 A of B, C或有些人认为可能产生的A of (B,C)平行应该没有异议吧?
那么认为会产生歧义的朋友其主要观点是不知道到底是A of (B,C) 还是(A of B), C, 可是我认为A of (B,C), 即在of后又有一个B和c的平行是不可能的,因为根据ets的平行原理,平行事物的最后一项前面都需要加上and才成立,如果在A of (B,C)里B和C是平行的,那么必须加上and
Aof B and C还是A of B, C ?
注意在这种两个elements平行的情况下是不可能出现Aof B, C的情况的,因为两个elements中间必须要有and才能符合平行的原理. 此时如果想要表达B和C不平行隶属于of的意思,最好的办法是将之改为C and A of B,否则就产生了歧义,最好的解释是og128
A of B, C, and D
这是一个最可怕的形式, 因为D前加了and,所以乍看上去CD是可能和B平行的,如果想要不至于产生歧义,最好的方法是改成C, D and A of B
A basic guideline about parallel constructions is to make sure that all the elements in a balanced pair or in a series have the same grammatical form. That is, if you start with a that-clause, stick with that-clauses; if you start with an infinitive, stick with infinitives; if you start with a participle, stick with participles; and so on. What you don’t want is a mixed bag, as in She had a strong desire to pursue medicine and for studying literature or The scientist asked for volunteers with allergies but who had not given blood recently.
A second point is to make sure that once you have chosen the kind of grammatical forms you want to make parallel, you structure them symmetrically. Remember that an initial article, preposition, auxiliary verb, or modifier will tend to govern all elements in the series unless it is repeated for each element. For example, if you set up a series of nouns with the first modified by an adjective, the reader will expect the adjective to modify the rest of the series as well. Thus you should say The building has new lighting, plumbing, and carpeting but not The building has new lighting, plumbing, and different carpeting. The same is true for articles: He brought the rod, reel, and bait. If you want to restrict a modifier to only one noun, repeat the article for each noun: He brought the light rod, the reel, and the bait.
Similarly, if you introduce a series of nouns with a single preposition, readers will expect that preposition to govern all the nouns: He sent the letter to the provost, the dean, and the student who won the scholarship. With contrastive conjunctions, it’s best to repeat the preposition: He sent the letter to the provost and the dean but not to the student or his parents. An auxiliary verb will govern all the verbs in the series unless you construct each verb phrase separately: We will always value her contributions, admire her fortitude, and wish her the best.
此外大家还可以附带注意到蓝色划线部分: 一个是副词或形容词的modifier是要修饰所有后方的平行名词的,所以只可能有两种状况,一种是最前方一个形容词,修饰后面所有名词;另一种是每个名词各有自己的形容词,但是绝对不能出现类似The building has new lighting, plumbing, and different carpeting.的状况. (回到讨论的那道题上大家可以看出C确实有歧义之嫌,因为dramatically reduced会产生修饰confidentiality的歧义.)
题外话,如果GGMM看到这里,那么我要郑重感谢你 ,因为你花了那么长时间看我罗嗦. 其实我只是希望自己的一些想法能够与大家分享,更希望藉此抛砖引玉,引出更权威的解释来.
郑重声明本篇关于of的部分是个人看法,除了第二条有白纸黑字的og撑腰外,其它的都显得较为嬴弱,有待理论和实例的检验, 大家姑且看之,也欢迎大家以反例批评或以正例支持. 不过关于形容词和冠词的问题, 因为有权威语法书的支持, 我认为还可以以此为据,狐假虎威一把吧, 哈哈