Depends what you want to do. Given your history, money probably isn't an issue. If you want to stay in finance you should definitely go for Booth. That Clean Tech and Bio Tech story is for you to get in. It's not that realistic to stick to it.
Judging by a friend (just a small sample) pool who is a 1st year there, that VC/Clean Tech stuff isn't that easy to get in, at least it's not the most realistic immediate post-MBA track. BTW his choices were Haas 50% scholarship vs Darden with no money. This is a much different decision.
Judging by a friend (just a small sample) pool who is a 1st year there, that VC/Clean Tech stuff isn't that easy to get in, at least it's not the most realistic immediate post-MBA track. BTW his choices were Haas 50% scholarship vs Darden with no money. This is a much different decision.