不是版主君...但希望能夠幫到你啦;)~ 根據manhattan所說,present participle要分成without comma和with comma兩個不同類型分析: 1、present participle without comma——作為noun modifier,根據touch rule原則修飾最近的noun 2、present participle with comma——作為verb modifier/adverbial modifier,修飾規律如下【by Ron】 1)if comma + -ing follows a clause, it should describe the action (and, at least indirectly, the subject) of that clause. This is in fact the entire reason for the existence of this construction, 2)if comma + -ing DOESN'T follow a whole clause -- if it just follows a noun -- then it will modify only that noun. E.g. tom, trying to reach all the way across the table, lost his balance. 3)if a comma + -ING modifier follows a complex expression that has more than one subject+verb pair, then you may have to use a certain amount of common sense to distinguish what is modified. The modifier still must modify the same rules, but could refer to either of the subject/verb combinations.【就是說主句裏面含有從句,使得主句的[subject + verb] > 1 pair,這種情況下present participle with comma修飾的是哪個pair的[subject + verb],需要meaning和common sense來確定】 e.g. i carried a bag containing six incubators that enclosed baby chicks, supporting them with nutrients and heat. here, the comma -ing modifier modifies only the second subject+verb pair. shown in color: i carried a bag containing six incubators that enclosed baby chicks, supporting them with nutrients and heat.【這裡就是修飾從句的[subject + verb]!】
VS. i dropped a bag containing six incubators that enclosed baby chicks, breaking two of them and endangering the chicks' lives. here, the comma -ing modifier modifies the entire preceding clause. shown in color: i dropped a bag (containing six incubators that enclosed baby chicks), breaking two of them and endangering the chicks' lives.【這裡就是修飾主句的[subject + verb]!】
-- by 会员 TerraceHo (2012/12/24 20:23:34)
看的眼晕啊,说白了,就是限定和非限定。 |