Unlikethe other major planets, Pluto has a highly eccentric orbit, which is thuscloser to the Sun than Neptune is for 20 years out of every 230-year cycle,even though it is commonly described as the remotest planet in the solarsystem.
(A)Pluto has a highly eccentric orbit, which is thus closer to the Sun thanNeptune is
(B)Pluto has a highly eccentric orbit and is thus closer to the Sun than Neptuneis
(C)Pluto's orbit is highly eccentric and is thus closer to the Sun than Neptune
(D) the orbit of Pluto is highly eccentric andthus closer to the Sun than Neptune
(E)the orbit of Pluto is highly eccentric, thus closer to the Sun than Neptune is
根据语法我知道肯定是A或B。。。面对一大堆生词pluto,neptune,eccentric orbit,什么cycle 还有什么Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris