According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.
82. Accordingtoarecentpoll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations. A. like that of earlier generations B. as that for earlier generations C. just as earlier generations did D. as have earlier generations E. as it was of earlier generations
大家关于A的讨论很热烈啊,但是就OG的解释,我有个问题向大家请教 OG说 the second part of the sentence must have the same structure as the first part. 是说在这句话中,比较的时候前后的句子要有相同的句子结构,还是说在所有的这种前后表示对比的句子中结构都必须对应啊?