13. Unlike most severance packages, which require workers to stay until the last day scheduled to collect, workers at the automobile company are eligible for its severance package even if they find a new job before they are terminated.
(A) the last day scheduled to collect, workers at the automobile company are eligible for its severance package (B) the last day they are scheduled to collect, workers are eligible for the automobile company's severance package (C) their last scheduled day to collect, the automobile company offers its severance package to workers (D) their last scheduled day in order to collect, the automobile company's severance package is available to workers (E) the last day that they are scheduled to collect, the automobile company's severance package is available to workers
A/B/C排除不用说了。E怎么不对了??D中的their指代什么啊? 语法笔记上说:(E) are scheduled to collect的主语只能是packages,但they是指代workers,出现指代错误。workers就不能被schedule了?工人被安排。。也合情合理啊???
Schedule 作为V用于被动: She is scheduled to give a speech tonight. (字典上的例句)