If MBB is your true career goal, why don't you express so in your career goal essay? In fact, engineering is one of most desired backgrounds for MC.
说句实话,adcom知道你essay写的career goal和你毕业后真正从事的工作绝大情况下是不一样的。adcom不会因为你想从事或者很多申请人想从事MC而拒绝你。adcom会考虑的是你现有的条件是否有从事MC的潜力。
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IT engineer 应该在essay里面写什么样的career goal才能增加录取机会那? IT product manager? IT business development ? or consultant in IT consulting companies like accenture? 其实,很想去MBB,但是好像不能直接在essay里面说吧。 个人背景: age 29+, 美国工程师和软件开发项目经理 -- by 会员 zzvincent (2011/9/7 15:36:46)