应admin之邀上来写面经: I got Duke interview from Russell, a Duke adcom. He is really nice and warm-hearted. His questions were normal. 不知道是不是我们之前有email的交流,所以他没有问我tough的问题。整个过程如下:
1. duke面试是要出示passport的,以证明是本人面试,这点我觉得学校还是挺严谨的。因此,interviewer会上来让你给他看你下你的passport,核对姓名后,开始看你的简历。 2. adcom看了一下我的简历,问我其中的一段W/E具体干了什么? 然后我介绍了一下,说做这些是为了我的career goal。因此自然地把他引到了,问我的career goal是什么。short term, long term都问了。 3. 因为我有个比较大的career change, 换了行业。 so he asked why you changed your career, how you got the job and how you convinced your manager that you were qualified for your new career. 4. some normal questions. Like tell me your leadership experience, team work experience. (我不知道别人怎么样,我一直觉得这种讲story的question,特别容易让adcom听一会儿后lost掉。这里要非常感谢我的mentor,给我做mock的时候强调,讲story别按着时间顺序自己巴拉巴拉。举个例子:要说做leader的时候,first I used my strong communication skills.然后一句话展开具体做了什么 communication with colleagues or customers. Second, I delegated task to my team member... 最后来个总结,比如这个experience令我的communication skills...都得到了提升。) 5. how your manager describes you? then, how about your colleagues? 6. why MBA? 7. why duke? 8. any special activity at Duke you want to participate? 9. what can you contribute to your future classmates? 10. What kind of quality about you, you want me to talk to admission committee? 11. what other schools you applied? 这个问题我觉得我的mentor给我的建议特别好,他说如果回答没有肯定显得不够真实,但是也不要完全据实回答。投得时候大家肯定投得很多很杂,但是要挑几个跟自己面的学校相关的说出来,重要的是你选这些学校背后的logical thinking.比如 duke,you can say. though my experience focus on..., I want to broaden my expertise. So I prefer to join a well- rounded school, which has good reputation on general management. Then,I choose, maybe, Duke, Darden, Wharton. 12. any question you want to ask me?这个他会一直问下去,所以如果大家以后碰到Russell要准备至少5个以上的问题,最后会被他问得没问题了,然后不好意思的说that's all,而不是他主动说结束的。 整个面试过程一个小时,是我所有面试中最长的,因为今年貌似duke interview发的少,他往年一天要面7、8个人,今年只面5个,所以每个人聊得时间都长了点。
以下是我准备面试时,从网上搜的面经中,有人说的他还问过的问题,但是那天没有问我,发上来提供更多信息吧,有些还挺tough的: 1. your weakness? 2. your leadership style? 3. do you meet some ethical challege at work? 4. your most important achievement? 5. 男女员工对待一件事情是否有不同观点。(这个问题我bf当时被问到了。) 6. What leader of consequence means to you? 7. TEAMWORK对你来说意味着什么? 8. What dose diversity mean to you?