在澳大利亚哪个地方留学比较好?一安全,二消费不高,三有比较好的学校,四兼职工作比较多。 Darwin, TAS, Adelaide
Depends on what kind of part-time you are looking for. Kitchen hand? just go to chinatown and ask them one-by-one. Office work? 99% no. If you have 10+ years experience, you can apply for contract works via agent or network.
请问澳大利亚口音的英语美英的外国人是否听的懂? ............ i will suggest to worry about your accent first Remember: (no offense) your english is always better than their chinese.
请问上研究生生活费和学费大约一共多少钱? better check with uni's website, there are rapid changes now, especially after Labor got on board
请问移民是不管上二年什么专业都可以么? probably most agent will say yes to this question. poor kid, you will curse them to hell if you really believe it and come to this island.
请问我大学学的专业是市场营销,我还是想去上商学院,但是目的是可以移民,那么我该怎么选择专业? 99% who come to australia want PR and 99% of these 99% come here learn business. You'd better check with immigration office's website. BTW, a new policy starts on next year.