98. Even though Clovis points, spear points with longitudinal grooves chipped onto their faces, have been found all over North America, they are named for the New Mexico site where they were first discovered in 1932。
论坛真是一年不如一年了,发了快一个月都没人回。。。 我也是在看这个题,我的问题是 incompatible的考点。。。 their and they should indicate the same one: Clovis points. spear points 应该是修饰Clovis points的词,their再指代它没有意义了。 For example: Yao Ming, a man with beard on his face, is over 6 feets high. 你认为his 是指代Yao , or a man?
"spear points with longitudinal grooves chipped onto their faces" is a parenthesis modifier, an independent modifier which you can totally ignore when you read the sentence. And because it is an independent modifier, "their" is only be able to refer to something in the modifier--spear points. "their" can not refer to "Clovis points" because ""Clovis points" is out of the parenthesis modifier.
"they" refers to "Clovis points", subject of the sentence.
"spear points with longitudinal grooves chipped onto their faces" is a parenthesis modifier, an independent modifier which you can totally ignore when you read the sentence. And because it is an independent modifier, "their" is only be able to refer to something in the modifier--spear points. "their" can not refer to "Clovis points" because ""Clovis points" is out of the parenthesis modifier.
"they" refers to "Clovis points", subject of the sentence.