我从mba网站题库上下载的最新topic和OG12、OG11一样的,最后一题如下。但是我买的陈向东的《GMAT写作高分速成》多了40多道argument题目,共计187道。另外一本新东方的关于issue的书也多了一些题目。请问这是怎么回事?多的题目要准备么? PS:《GMAT写作高分速成》比较烂,基本上东拼西凑,大部分摘抄以前范文的主题句。模版很多都是CD上的,有的连错误短语都照抄了。感觉新东方黔驴技穷了。 The following appeared as part of an article in a trade magazine: “During a recent trial period in which government inspections at selected meat-processing plants were more frequent, the amount of bacteria in samples of processed chicken decreased by 50 percent on average from the previous year’s level. If the government were to institute more frequent inspections, the incidence of stomach and intestinal infections throughout the country could thus be cut in half. In the meantime, consumers of Excel Meats should be safe from infection because Excel’s main processing plant has shown more improvement in eliminating bacterial contamination than any other plant cited in the government report.” Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/21 23:07:58编辑过] |