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发表于 2010-9-27 15:20:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
section-13-6: Recent excavations suggest that the ancient peoples of the Italian peninsula merged the cult of Damia—a goddess of fertility and the harvest—(with Venus).
(A) with Venus
(B) and Venus
(C) with that of Venus
(D) and Venus’
(E) and Venus’ cult

答案是C,这里题目想表达什么意思啊? C中的that指什么,with又指什么呢?
是说fertility和harvest也是venus的属性吗? with 又怎么用了呢?

7.:.Since the 1930’s aircraft manufacturers have tried to build airplanes with frictionless (wings, shaped so smoothly and perfectly )that the air passing over them would not become turbulent.
(A) wings, shaped so smoothly and perfectly
(B) wings, wings so smooth and so perfectly shaped
(C) wings that are shaped so smooth and perfect  歧义,were
(D) wings, shaped in such a smooth and perfect manner
(E) wings, wings having been shaped smoothly and perfectly so

答案是B, 这个名词重复性同位语不是一定要用that引导的吗?wings that…
难道这个that省略了? 可是这个that貌似也不是从句的宾语吧?

14:Researchers have questioned the use of costly and experimental diagnostic tests( to identify food allergies, such as )milk, that supposedly disrupt normal behavior.
(A) to identify food allergies, such as
(B) to identify food allergies, like
(C) to identify food allergies, such as to
(D) for identifying food allergies, like that of
(E) for identifying food allergies, such as for

答案是C, 但是我觉得E的搭配也没一点问题,E为什么错呢?

23. The number of mountain gorillas is declining (with such rapidity that the population is one-half) in the twenty years between a count made by George Schaller in 1960 and the one made by Dian Fossey in 1980.
(A) with such rapidity that the population is one-half
(B) with such rapidity that the population was one-half
(C) so rapidly the population divided in half
(D) so rapidly that the population was halved
(E) in such rapidity that the population is halved

答案是D,这里为什么要用was halved的被动呢?
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发表于 2010-9-27 17:51:41 | 只看该作者
1.—a goddess of fertility and the harvest—这个是用来修饰cult of Damia的,可以省略不看。然后句子剩下的就是
Recent excavations suggest that the ancient peoples of the Italian peninsula merged the cult of Damia with that of Venus。
that指代cult, merge the cult of D with the cult of V。 不能是merge the cult of D with V,只能是将两种信仰混合。merge A with B....是习惯用法
7.看清逻辑关系, smooth是修饰wings的,perfectly是修饰shape的。不能说wings是完美的而shape是光滑的。
后面的一个to和前面不定式中的to是不同的,应该是allergies to milk,这里省略了allergies。
那么E中,首先就是test for doing的用法不如to do简洁有效,其次,allergies for...的搭配是错误的。
23. half是动词,优于one-half的形容词表达方式。
such rapidity that ...的用法wordy and redundant

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