TTGWD4-Q39. Unearthed in China, fossils of feathered dinosaurs offer the most dramatic evidence yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds.
A. offer the most dramatic evidence yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds B. offer evidence more dramatic than what has yet been discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds C. offer more dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship than any yet discovered between dinosaurs and birds D. have offered the most dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds E. have offered more dramatic evidence than any that has yet been discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds 答案:A。请问下A中的yet discovered是修饰evidence还是修饰fossils的呢?这个分词修饰成分为什么会放到evidence of搭配之间呢?请nn多多指教! |