Scientist: Some critcs of public funding for this research project have maintained that only if it can be indicated how the public will benefit from the project is continued public funding for it justified. If the critics were right about this, then there would not be tremendous public support for the project that even its critics acknowledge.
If the scientist's claims are true, which one of the following must also be true?
A) The benefits derived from the research project are irrelevant to whether or not its funding is justified B) Continued public funding for the research project is justified C) Public support for the research project is the surest indication of whether or not it is justified D)There is trememdous public support for the research project because it can be indicated how the public will benefit from the project E) That a public benefit can be indicated is not a requirement for the justification of the research project's continued public funding
科学家的观点和some critics是不一样的。critics认为,That a public benefit can be indicated is a requirement for the justification of the research project's continued public funding。但是科学家反驳说,如果是这样的话,the project就不会获得那么多的支持了。 所以科学家认为,That a public benefit can be indicated is not a requirement for the justification of the research project's continued public funding。
E) That a public benefit can be indicated is not a requirement for the justification of the research project's continued public funding 科学家认为: 公众受益是否确定不是判断是否继续投资研究项目的所需理由