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发表于 2009-4-16 07:35:00 | 只看该作者


我是准备GMAT的  拿Lsat的逻辑练练手,感觉真是相当不一样,  gmat的逻辑套路还是比较规范的,而lsat感觉......


8.     Measurements of the extent of amino-acid decomposition in fragments of eggshell found at archaeological sites in such places as southern Africa can be used to obtain accurate dates for sites up to 200,000 years old. Because the decomposition is slower in cool climates, the technique can be used to obtain accurate dates for sites almost a million years old in cooler regions.

The information above provides the most support for which one of the following conclusions?

(A) The oldest archaeological sites are not in southern Africa, but rather in cooler regions of the world.

(B) The amino-acid decomposition that enables eggshells to be used in dating does not take place in other organic matter found at ancient archaeological sites.

(C) If the site being dated had been subject to large unsuspected climatic fluctuations during the time the eggshell has been at the site, application of the technique is less likely to yield accurate results.

(D) After 200,000 years in a cool climate, less than one-fifth of the amino acids in a fragment of eggshell that would provide material for dating with the technique will have decomposed and will thus no longer be suitable for examination by the technique.

(E) Fragments of eggshell are more likely to be found at ancient archaeological sites in warm regions of the world than at such sites in cooler regions.

答案给的是C,虽然其他的几个选项确实没道理  但对于C而言, 我觉得题干只是阐述了气候温度和保存时间的关系,C中又涉及climatic fluctuations是不是有过度联想之嫌?

12.   “Though they soon will, patients should not have a legal right to see their medical records. As a doctor, I see two reasons for this. First, giving them access will be time-wasting because it will significantly reduce the amount of time that medical staff can spend on more important duties, by forcing them to retrieve and return files. Second, if my experience is anything to go by, no patients are going to ask for access to their records anyway.”

Which one of the following, if true, establishes that the doctor’s second reason does not cancel out the first?

(A) The new law will require that doctors, when seeing a patient in their office, must be ready to produce the patient’s records immediately, not just ready to retrieve them.

(B) The task of retrieving and returning files would fall to the lowest-paid member of a doctor’s office staff.

(C) Any patients who asked to see their medical records would also insist on having details they did not understand explained to them.

(D) The new law does not rule out that doctors may charge patients for extra expenses incurred specifically in order to comply with the new law.

(E) Some doctors have all allowing their patients access to their medical records, but those doctors’ patients took no advantage of this policy.

答案给的A  问题我都看得不太懂   establish that second... cancel out first....  两个resaon相互抵消,那不就是削弱吗?   就是选出不能削弱医生结论的一项? 那A不就是削弱了吗?   不明白 请大牛解释一下 谢谢

发表于 2009-4-17 09:02:00 | 只看该作者
“subject to large unsuspected climatic fluctuations”即“ cool climates”,并不包括其他的“climates”。

the technique can be used to obtain accurate dates”。
发表于 2009-4-17 09:12:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-19 08:27:00 | 只看该作者
多谢ls的nn  有点明白了
发表于 2010-10-3 10:37:57 | 只看该作者
第一题是说 某种 物质检测可以确定考古年代, 而在寒冷情况下这种物质衰退/消散的速度会减缓, 所以从一方面说, 这种物质存在在寒冷地带和气候下的时间会更长,可供检测的时间段也更长. 另一方面说, 如果在漫长的历史过程中出现了气候波动, 那么过冷的天气, 比如冰河期,将延缓物质的散失, 但如果按照正常的时间计算, 得出的年代就会与实际不同, 比如也许因为计算是按照匀速来的
发表于 2010-10-5 12:18:11 | 只看该作者
第二题题干一开始提出了新规定的条件,新的条件是,病人会有权利要求观看病例. 选项则是针对题干里的两个理由, 第一个是给病人看病例会耽误时间, 第二个是根本就没有人要求看病例,那么既然没有人要求,就不存在浪费时间,所以提出两个理由的人这个理由不是并列的.  
而第一个选项说,新规定要求医生及时填写病例而不是直接收回(以前可能存在医生晚填或不确切填写的问题, 反正没有人看)
然后,医生需要确切填写,那么就出现了占用时间, 所以理由1也有根据了,因为作者认为病人看病例使得会挤占医生填写病例或看病的时间


-.- 希望能解释清楚...我自己也有点晕了
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