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发表于 2004-4-7 23:45:00 | 只看该作者






2、而商业周刊仅将剑桥列为美国以外的Tier 2的学校,与Cambridge (Judge) CranfieldESADE HEC Montreal Instituto de Empresas  ITESM - Monterrey McGill Oxford (Said) 并列;

3、而Forbes又将其列为非美国商学院的第三名:Insead IMD Cambridge (Judge) Oxford (Said) London (LBS) York (Schulich) SDA Bocconi IESE Australian GSOM Queen's。参见:

4、可是最近又看到一个专门针对英国MBA的排名,参见   剑桥居然只是英国第8名。




发表于 2004-4-9 15:06:00 | 只看该作者

cam的mba program我也在一直考虑中。


但是,兄台quit ibm, 花50多万去拿judge的mba是不是值得,很值得仔细考虑。数年ibm的背景,去industry,SI,或是那几个consulting firms还是很容易的。你能确定cam的mba degree能给你更好的options?

发表于 2004-4-17 21:14:00 | 只看该作者

It is among the top program. The atmosphere in cam is very very good. People here are extremely friendly and you can make a lot of friends with people from all subjects. (NOT only "boring" MBA students but also physicians, teachers, and all other various amazing subjects) Besides, the director has a strong sense of responsibility to push the program to the top.

My personal view, It is definitely a worth considering choice.

Good luck and best wishes.

发表于 2004-4-17 21:38:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-18 11:45:00 | 只看该作者

It is among the top program. The atmosphere in cam is very very good. People here are extremely friendly and you can make a lot of friends with people from all subjects. (NOT only "boring" MBA students but also physicians, teachers, and all other various amazing subjects) Besides, the director has a strong sense of responsibility to push the program to the top.
My personal view, It is definitely a worth considering choice.
Good luck and best wishes.

Yes, Cambridge is an attractive program plus it big brand.

But, Ella, which one would you choose between Cambridge and INSEAD? Depends or definitely INSEAD?

发表于 2004-4-20 04:27:00 | 只看该作者

When the economy is good, Insead is much better. since the economy is not as good as several years ago. it really depends now. If you want to go back to China to find a job, cambridge's reputation is very good. Insead is the definitely the best choice if you want to find a job within Europe. I

Insead has quite a different culture from Cam. it is rather competitive than co-operative. 800 per year vs. 120 per year. In Judge, you know everybody in your program and the faculty well. You can run into the director in the corridor and have a nice chat. In Insead, with so many students, harder to do so. However, the career service and alumini network is stronger in Insead.

So, it is really a personal choice and you have to weight the money to put in and the possible return. Of course, the living condition in the 2 cities are very different as well.

 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-20 13:28:00 | 只看该作者

Thank Ella's valuable answer. Would you please elaborate it?

If you want to go back to China to find a job, cambridge's reputation is very good

>> Most MBAs what to enter Management Consulting companies or Finance firms, would these hot companies in China still prefer Cambridge to INSEAD, although Cambridge has world ranked reputation?

Insead is the definitely the best choice if you want to find a job within Europe.

>> Is it possible for Chinese to work in Eurpoe even he or she graduates from INSEAD? Again, if you want to do Management consulting work, which greatly need communication skills and cultural background, it would be very difficult for Chinese MBAs even they received formal business eudcation in INSEAD. Do you think so?

Ella, Would you also compare the alumni network of Cambridge and INSEAD in China?

Thanks again.

发表于 2004-4-20 14:27:00 | 只看该作者

Hello qyqing,

Got to know that you work in IBM. Actually, 5 years ago, I also worked in IBM SH for about 1 year.

Here's the answer of one friend when someone asked him  how to choose between MBA program of Oxford and INSEAD. I think maybe you are in the similar boat as that guy.

It's just his personal opinion and I post it only for ur information.

> My reasons for choosing INSEAD


>1) Quality. While one might argue that the top 10 or 12 school in the FT rankings offers the same educational quality, I think these top 10-12 are definitely a class above the rest. (BTW for Value For Money INSEAD is #1! )


>2) International Diversity. I think INSEAD trumps all other MBA programs in this aspect. Where else can you find a bus-obsessed Indian working in Australia and a chat-efficient, luxury-industry enamored Russian French working in Germany studying side by side? Seriously, INSEAD prides itself on not having any nationality consisting of more than 10% of the student population. I doubt you'll find that to be true anywhere else (maybe IMD with only 90 students)


>3) Brand name. Here is where I completely disagree with you Telis. INSEAD has excellent brand name in the field we are concerned with : the business world. Whereas a literature major would know Oxford more than he would know INSEAD, what relevance does that hold to us? Brand name is only good in 3 aspects of your career : recruiters, work colleagues and clients (for entrepreneurs). If you want to run for politician (in England or Commonwealth countries), maybe Oxford is the better choice. But a career in business? I bet you INSEAD has better brand name around the world.

>INSEAD has good brand name recognition in Europe, Asia and (now) US. Taking a non-representative sample, most educated Indonesians have an idea that INSEAD is a 'damn good school' but most will have no idea that an Oxford business school existed. (I didnt until I read this thread! ) As for the concept of a good brand name of a University 'seeping through' to the Business School, I dont think that concept ever works or ever will (ie Yale).


>4) The only real difference would be your choice of place to work. For more international mobility, I would choose INSEAD. You can pretty much work in Europe or Asia, and US to a lesser extent. If you are focused on working in Britain, then MAYBE Oxford is the better choice.


>5) Another point in relation to rankings : I feel that one of the better indications of a school's 'true' rank, is what its Alumni thinks of it. After all they are the one who have invested and experienced it, and are best positioned to judge the value of their experiences. INSEAD is 5th (close to rank of 4), whereas Oxford is 44th (as opposed to its rank of 26).

发表于 2004-4-22 01:54:00 | 只看该作者

Mostly it is a matter of personal choice.

It is hard to get into consulting firms nowadays. Insead is not so well know outside of the circle and students have to explain to other industries about the school in China.

All I can say is that Insead only have alumini in management, but schools such as Ox and Cam have alumini in every subject and industry. After all, it is a world not only for business people to live in.

No matter which school you choose, you will have a good time and enjoy your study.

发表于 2004-4-23 14:57:00 | 只看该作者
In my opinion, one of the most important factors is the University pay how much attention to the MBA programme?
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