Although dozens of New York’s small museums are ether devoted to lacal history or various ethnic group, there are many one-of –a –kind museums from Manhattan to the Bronx that are open for exploration on summer weekends a> Although dozens of New York’s small museums are ether devoted to lacal history or various ethnic group, there areb> Dozens of New York’s small museums are devoted to lacal history or various ethnic group, and there are also c> Devoted to lacal history or various ethnic groups, dozens of New York’s small museums and also 这个题的答案是(B) 我选择的是A 我不太明白为什么B的选项要去掉either 并且去掉although? 请教各位! b> Dozens of New York’s small museums are devoted to lacal history or various ethnic group, and there are also c> Devoted to lacal history or various ethnic groups, dozens of New York’s small museums and also 这个题的答案是(B) 我选择的是A 我不太明白为什么B的选项要去掉either 并且去掉although? 请教各位! |