没有奖学金,正在为费用发愁呢…… 不过先小小庆祝几天吧…… 感觉Yale对大陆学生很友好,我好几个同学在那里。其余几个学校连一个interview的机会都没给我,就等着被ding了,第一个申请的Yale却一路开绿灯两周就给了interview,一个月不到就interview结束等结果了,面试官也很nice没有刁难什么的,还说:if you are admited, your parents will be very happy. 感觉这就是缘分……
Congrats! Should you have any question, don't hesitate to ask me. And it is very normal that you get admission from one school, and get rejected from others. The one that you end up with must be the one that fits you best. =)