比较C和A,A中and肯定不妥,要么派遣,要么杀掉,或比较好。 时态的问题我一看到题就考虑到了,只是谁先谁后要通过选项判断一下。OG12里面相当多的题根据前后动作关系判断时态,一般过去时和过去完成时的组合。 lz参考下吧
41. Some of the wild dogs that were distributed to local pet sanctuaries by city health officials and exterminated last year were collected as part of the city's initiative to protect local residents from dog attacks.
(A) Some of the wild dogs that were distributed to local pet sanctuaries by city health officials and exterminated last year were (B) Some of the wild dogs that the local pet sanctuaries received and city health officials exterminated have been (C) Some of the wild dogs that were distributed to local pet sanctuaries or exterminated by city health officials last year had been
(D) Last year some of the wild dogs that were distributed to local pet sanctuaries or exterminated by city health officials made
(E) Last year city health officials distributed to local pet sanctuaries as well as exterminated some of the wild dogs that had been这题答案选C,BDE我都排除掉了,请问A怎么排除?
-- by 会员 仙蒂瑞拉 (2010/1/5 23:28:00)