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[讨论]so as to是必错吗?对比OG10与OG11解释

发表于 2009-7-28 11:20:00 | 只看该作者

[讨论]so as to是必错吗?对比OG10与OG11解释

在OG11上面,好多题只要出现了so as to,官方就说so as to is not a correct idiom;而OG10,却有含有so as to的正确选项。

一直不明白,想是不是gmat现在转变了观点,认为so as to必错了呢?



 Although schistosomiasis is not often fatal, it is so debilitating that it has become an economic drain on many developing countries.

(A)  it is so debilitating that it has become an economic

(B)   it is of such debilitation, it has become an economical

(C)  so debilitating is it as to become an economic

(D)  such is its debilitation, it becomes an econom­ical

(E)   there is so much debilitation that it has become
                an economical

OG10的解释:Choice A is best:C uses an awkward and wordy construction in place of a that... clause.

OG11的解释:C       The construction so x as toy is not a correct idiom


In 1527 King Henry VIII sought to have his marriage to Queen Catherine annulled so as to marry Anne Boleyn.

(A)  so as to marry

(B)  and so could be married to

(C)  to be married to

(D)  so that he could marry

(E)  in order that he would marry

OG10的解释:C lacks an appropriate conjunction, and the infinitive clause to be married to ... makes this choice awkward and unidiomatic.

OG11的解释:A So as to marry is not idiomatically correct; it does not identify who will marry


Students in the metropolitan school district lack math skills to such a large degree as to make it difficult to absorb them into a city economy becoming ever more dependent on information-based industries.

(A)  lack math skills to such a large degree as to make it difficult to absorb them into a city economy becoming

(B)   lack math skills to a large enough degree that they will be difficult to absorb into a city's economy that becomes

(C)   lack of math skills is so large as to be difficult to absorb them into a city's economy that becomes

(D)  are lacking so much in math skills as to be
                                            difficult to absorb into a city's economy

(E)   are so lacking in math skills that it will be difficult
                                            to absorb them into a city economy becoming

OG10的解释: D uses the "-ing" forms, but so much... as to be difficult to absorb is an awkward and unidiomatic verbal modifier. Choice E is best.

OG11的解释:D So much ... as to be dfficult is not a correct idiomatic expression

OG10-67. Congress is debating a bill requiring certain employers provide workers with unpaid leave so as to care for sick or newbom children.

(A)  provide workers with unpaid leave so as to

(B)  to provide workers with unpaid leave so as to

(C)  provide workers with unpaid leave in order that they

(D)  to provide workers with unpaid leave so that
                                                they can

(E)  provide workers with unpaid leave and

OG10的解释:in A, so as to fails to specify that the workers receiving the leave will be the people caring for the infants and children. Choice D is best.

OG10-88. The Emperor Augustus, it appears, commissioned an idealized sculpture portrait, the features of which are so unrealistic as to constitute what one scholar calls an "artificial face."

(A)  so unrealistic as to constitute

(B)  so unrealistic they constituted

(C)  so unrealistic that they have constituted

(D)  unrealistic enough so that they constitute

(E)  unrealistic enough so as to constitute

The verbs are and calls indicate that the sculpture is being viewed and judged in the present. Thus, neither the past tense verb constituted (in B) nor the present perfect verb have constituted (in C) is correct; both suggest that the statue's features once constituted an artificial face but no longer do so. Also, B would be better if that were inserted after so unrealistic, although the omission of that is not ungrammatical. Choices D and E use unidiomatic construc­tions with enough: unrealistic enough to constitute would be idiomatic, but the use of enough is imprecise and awkward in this context. Choice A, which uses the clear, concise, and idiomatic construction so unrealistic as to constitute, is best.

这道题居然选了so as to的选项!!!!

OG11中,只要出现了so as to,它都说这是一个错误的idiom;而在OG10中,只有so as to后面动词的逻辑主语有歧义的时候才不选。

是不是官方就so as to这个知识点的说法改变了,现在无论什么时候出现都是错的???


 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-28 11:21:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-29 10:04:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-7-29 10:51:00 | 只看该作者


 Although schistosomiasis is not often fatal, it is so debilitating that it has become an economic drain on many developing countries.

(A)  it is so debilitating that it has become an economic
(B)   it is of such debilitation, it has become an economical
(C)  so debilitating is it as to become an economic
(D)  such is its debilitation, it becomes an econom­ical
(E)   there is so much debilitation that it has become an economical

这个题先不说is it多余,so as to 表达的意思没有so that 准确,so as to 如此...以至于能... ,so.. that 表达的比较灵活,比如说这里的完成时只能用so that表示出来 用so as to意思变了,但并不是说出现 so as to 就错,而是用在这里不好

In 1527 King Henry VIII sought to have his marriage to Queen Catherine annulled so as to marry Anne Boleyn.
(A)  so as to marry
(B)  and so could be married to
(C)  to be married to
(D)  so that he could marry
(E)  in order that he would marry

讨论这个的帖子也很热...  这里用so as to 同样有歧义,因为前面必须要有个动作发出,so as to 才能继续,比如我 execise, so as to become healtheir,

那么这个题是想说 as to,还是have...annulled so as to, 呢?不清楚...因为他没表达清楚,原因是前面有两个动作,不知道到底是那个动作导致了 marry AB,这个体会一下

OG10-88. The Emperor Augustus, it appears, commissioned an idealized sculpture portrait, the features of which are so unrealistic as to constitute what one scholar calls an "artificial face."

(A)  so unrealistic as to constitute
(B)  so unrealistic they constituted
(C)  so unrealistic that they have constituted
(D)  unrealistic enough so that they constitute
(E)  unrealistic enough so as to constitute
至于这个题,so as to就是一个so that 得简化版本,没有任何歧义,用so that反而显得冗余。

总结:so.. as to和so ..that 比  前者简介但是用法受到极大的限制,只有在句子不复杂没有歧义的时候才能使用

so as to 和 so that 比较 I execise so as to become healtheir (强调excise这个动作)和I execise so that my mom will be happy(强调I execise这件事) 

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/7/29 10:52:43编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-29 11:02:00 | 只看该作者


你的解释比较靠近OG10的解释,简单的说就是so as to在极少的情况下也成立

但是OG11里,只要提到了so as to,他就说是错误的idiom。我认为OG11的意思是说在ETS的思维里,so as to已经变成了绝对错误了~~~~~


发表于 2009-7-29 11:28:00 | 只看该作者
我觉得og里面的解释有很多都比较简略,一个idiom就一笔带过,并且目前出现的so as to都是因为有歧义才排除的...既然有判断的依据还是判断一下好,没时间了你再把它当绝对出错误判...
发表于 2009-7-29 11:53:00 | 只看该作者

so as to在判断的时候要分清楚 to后面的这个动作是不是逻辑主语的动作 so...that...就不一样 可以是不同主语

其实未必有OG10和OG11倾向谁 而是要看有没有逻辑主语的变动或者不妥引起的歧义 没有歧义就都是可以用的

众多的语法点都是殊途同归 句子的逻辑意思是否清楚而没有歧义

 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-30 12:07:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-30 12:08:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用天蝎座1107在2009/7/29 11:53:00的发言:

so as to在判断的时候要分清楚 to后面的这个动作是不是逻辑主语的动作 so...that...就不一样 可以是不同主语

其实未必有OG10和OG11倾向谁 而是要看有没有逻辑主语的变动或者不妥引起的歧义 没有歧义就都是可以用的

众多的语法点都是殊途同归 句子的逻辑意思是否清楚而没有歧义   非常同意~~~~

发表于 2009-7-30 14:07:00 | 只看该作者
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