搜了一下:动词forbid后如果无人称宾语,用动名词作宾语;否则,用不定式短语作宾语的补语。例如:We forbid smoking here.(用于人称结构);The rain forbid us to go out.(用于非人称结构)。
ETS说:D and E introduce constructions that, in context, are faulty. First of all, both bans that x cannot be done and bans that y cannot do x are unidiomatic formulations. Secondly, the negative cannot after bans is illogical.
both bans that x cannot be done and bans that y cannot do x are unidiomatic formulations的意思是说:不用被动、xy顺序不能颠倒,即改成:bans that x cannot do y结构就正确了[先不考虑第二处错误(不能用cannot)]。是不是可以这样认为?
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-12 16:59:01编辑过] |