In June of 1987, The Bridge of Trinquetaille, Vincent van Gogh's view of an iron bridge over the Rhone sold for $20.2 million and it was the second highest price ever paid for a painting at auction. (A) Rhone sold for $20.2 million and it was (B) Rhone, which sold for $20.2 million, was (C) Rhone, was sold for $20.2 million, (D) Rhone was sold for $20.2 million, being 这几天第二遍看OG,这题第二次错,看来我没理解
B选项如果是 Rhone, was sold for $20.2 million, was 对吗?第二个was错在哪里? OG上面说是逻辑错误,painting was the second highest price , 没理解 一直在想还是不理解这个WAS是怎么错的 谢谢!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-14 17:42:29编辑过] |