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发表于 2009-7-16 22:17:00 | 只看该作者



179. Unlike
the independent candidacies of George in 1968 and John Anderson in 1980, H. Ross Perot's independent run for the presidency in 1992 arose not from an unsuccessful effort to gain a major party nomination but from a desire to establish a viable third party in American politics.

MingLiU","serif"; mso-ascii-font-family: Tahoma; mso-hansi-font-family: Tahoma; mso-bidi-font-family: Tahoma;">疑问点:本题unlikeMingLiU","serif"; mso-ascii-font-family: Tahoma; mso-hansi-font-family: Tahoma; mso-bidi-font-family: Tahoma;">后面的比较主题为 independent candidacies----MingLiU","serif"; mso-ascii-font-family: Tahoma; mso-hansi-font-family: Tahoma; mso-bidi-font-family: Tahoma;">人,  MingLiU","serif"; mso-ascii-font-family: Tahoma; mso-hansi-font-family: Tahoma; mso-bidi-font-family: Tahoma;">而相对应主句的比较主题是  H. Ross Perot's independent run ------MingLiU","serif"; mso-ascii-font-family: Tahoma; mso-hansi-font-family: Tahoma; mso-bidi-font-family: Tahoma;">人的选举

195. Like the grassy fields and old pastures that the upland sandpiper needs for feeding and nesting when it returns in May after wintering in the Argentine Pampas, the bird itself is vanishing in the northeastern United States as a result of residential and industrial development and of changes in farming practices.

疑问点:也是前面like后的比较主体为the grassy fields and old pastures ------土地,  而对应主句的比较主体为 the bird------鸟,

本来是没有什么问题,可以写成the grassy fields and old pastures 的vanishing和鸟的一样,但偏偏又没有这样的动词ing出现,有点不明白

213. (GWD-3-Q34) Shoppers in sporting goods stores, unlike those in department stores, do very little impulse shopping; someone who comes in for a basketball will leave with a basketball only and not buy a pair of skis and a boomerang as well.

疑问点:前面两个and的平行还能勉强理解,最后不知道为什么要再用一个as well  或者要as well不要第二个and. 这样不算重复么?

219. (GWD-12-Q20) Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C., also established the Library of Congress.


230. (T-4-Q4) A novelist who turned away from literary realism to write romantic stories about the peasant life and landscape of northern Sweden, Selma Lagerlöf became in 1909 the first woman and also the first Swedish writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.


235. (GWD-9-Q1) A mixture of poems and short fiction, Jean Toomer's Cane has been called one of the three best novels ever written by  a Black American—the others being Richard Wright's Native Son and Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man.

疑问点:想知道这个being是必须这么用  还是比较优?  比较优的话为什么在这里比较好?

239. (GWD-12-Q3) Were it not for the fusion-powered heat and radiation that rush from its core, a star would collapse under its own weight.

疑问点:感觉是主体部分倒装,a star 做同位语;
那这里就出现了两个谓语动词,were  would collapse,请教本句的主谓宾以及后面 a star的成分

240. (GWD-12-Q30) According to public health officials, in 1998 Massachusetts became the first state in which more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than under it.

疑问点:感觉比较的后半部分是省略了more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than ( the baies were born to women ) under it.想请问这样的省略的原则是什么?

241. (GWD-9-Q39) Over 75 percent of the energy produced in France derives from nuclear power, while in Germany it is just over 33 percent.

疑问点:it应该指代的是泛指的百分比,但是又不能特指75%it 指代一摸一样的同一事物,同理为og10  199题),但在此句的前面并没有可以泛指的百分比,想请问it的用法到底是否妥当

249. (GWD-10-Q36:GWD-11-19) In Hungary, as in much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women work, many of them in middle management and light industry.

疑问点:想问as在此处的用法,因为既不属于:as+n 表作为.... 又不属于:as表像.....一样
想问as 在这里出现的原因

159. The first detailed study of magpie attacks in Australia indicates that
by the time they reached adulthood, 98 percent of men and 75 percent of women born in the country had been attacked by the birds.


162. Orb-weaving spiders such as the argiope build webs that are essentially wheel-like, with an outer rim and a number of spokes emanating from the hub.


165. Some scientists have been critical of the laboratory tests conducted by the Federal Drug Administration on the grounds that the amounts of
   suspected carcinogens fed to animals far exceed those that humans could consume.

疑问点:这里far exceed后面应该省略了 the amounts of suspected carcinogens, 但是这里只用了those来指代 the amounts(所有格不能被指代,所以不能指代suspected carcinogens但是没有说明是什么的amount,会有歧义么?会不会改为  those of suspected carcinogens that好一点?
但这样的话感觉that 修饰的词又变化了

235. (GWD3-Q22) Because of a law passed in 1933 making it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United States citizen to hold gold in the form of bullion or coins, immigrants found that on arrival in the United States they had to surrender all of the gold they had brought with them.

疑问点:gmat向来不喜欢because of + 很长很多修饰的名词,  为什么这个为优选(不过我看的是《prep正确的句子》用来练语感的,没有其他选项,但即使这样但看正确句觉得其他选项必须要错得十分离谱才能选这个)

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/7/16 22:19:41编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-17 03:25:00 | 只看该作者
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