68. (28179-!-item-!-188;#058&003508) For the best extraction of the flavor of saffron threads, it should be soaked in liquid after being pounded with a mortar and pestle. (A) For the best extraction of the flavor of saffron threads, it should be soaked in liquid after being pounded (B) To best extract their flavor, saffron threads should be soaked in liquid after pounding (C) The best way to extract the flavor from saffron threads is soaking them in liquid after being pounded (D) The best way to extract the flavor from saffron threads is to soak them in liquid after pounding them (E) The flavor of saffron threads can best be extracted by soaking it in liquid after pounding it
OG10 84. One legacy of Madison Avenue's recent campaign to appeal to people fifty years old and over is the realization that as a person ages. their concerns change as well. (A) the realization that as a person ages, their (B) the realization that as people age, their (C) to realize that when a person ages, his or her (D) to realize that when people age, their (E) realizing that as people age, their
PREP那题应该是to do is to do 吧,OG是sth is sth, OG那题也有to do 我就先了D
这两道题有什么区别在哪,sth is sth , to do is to do,具体到题目怎么运用
谢谢大家! |