以下是引用wholly在2004-3-5 1:13:00的发言: 1。补充材料34题 Joplin's faith in his opera "Tremonisha" was unshakable;in 1911 he published the score at his own expense and decided on staging it himself. (D) that he himself would stage it (E) to stage the work himself 我选对了,可是不知道为什么D错呢?只是觉得E简洁一点 -- that's the point
2。补充材料41题 The odds are about 4 to 1 against surviving a takeover offer,and many business consultants therefore advise that a company's first line of defense in eluding offers like these be to even refuse to take calls from likely corporate raiders. (A)同上 (B) that a company's first line of defense in eluding such offers be to refuse even A为何错呢?是不是没有offers like these 这样的说法?只能说such offers?
--->you can not list examples with 'like'. here 'such as' is needed
---> unlike 'that' and 'those', 'these' and 'this' themselves can not be objects
还有to even refuse to take calls和to refuse even take calls有何不同?哪个对?---- both of them are right. u have to look at different situations. their meanings r different 3。我4月中旬就考试了,语法做og时正确率在80%左右,总结完og上的题,现在开始作补充材料,每天30个左右,此外我还买了白勇的500题精解,是应该一边做补充材料的题一边看这本书还是先做完一遍补充材料的题再看这本书效果好呢?og是否应该再做一遍呢
--- OG, the more, the better, AS QUOTED