第二題 A) Although at one time children’s programming had been limited to a few hours a week, now, however, there are at least four cable networks that dedicate themselves although already has the meaning of however, the following sentence should reflect opposite result; however is unecessary
B)With children’s programming having been limited at one time to a few hours a week, now at least four cable networks have dedicated themselves Preposition phrase "With..." modifies subject closely follows the phrase, not this case. C)Once limited to a few hours a week, there are now at least four cable networks with children’s programming that dedicate themselves Advert clause, the same reason as B), needs to modify the subject closely follows. Programmings do not dedicate themselves, cable networks do. wrong D)Children’s programming was once limited to a few hours a week, but now there are at least four cable networks dedicated correct, separate two logically related ideas in two complete SV form, "but" shows the opposite result in logical relation. E)While children’s programming had once been limited to a few hours a week, at least four cable networks are now dedicated same reason as C)
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