Questions 14-15 In most corporations the salaries of executives are set by a group from the corporation’s board of directors. Since the board’s primary mission is to safeguard the economic health of the corporation rather than to make its executives rich, this way of setting executives salaries is expected to prevent excessively large salaries. But, clearly, this expectation is based on poor reasoning. After all, most members of a corporation’s board are themselves executives of some corporation and can expect to benefit from setting generous benchmarks for executives salaries. 15. Which one of the following practices is vulnerable to a line of criticism most parallel to that used in the argument in the passage? (A) in medical malpractice suits, giving physicians not directly involved in a suit a major role in determining the damages due to successful plaintiffs (B) in a legislature, allowing the legislators to increase their own salaries only if at least two-thirds of them vote in favor of an increase (C) to work both fast and accurately by paying them by the piece but counting only pieces of acceptable quality (D) in a sports competition decided by judges’ scores, selecting the judges from among people retired from that sport after successful careers (E) in a business organization, distributing a group bonus among the members of a task force on the basis of a confidential evaluation by each member of the contribution made by each of the others 实在想不明白答案为什么选A,我选的B,连A什么意思都读不懂 19. Spectroscopic analysis has revealed the existence of frozen nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide on the surface of Pluto. Such ices have a tendency to vaporize, producing an atmosphere. Since the proportion of any gas in such an atmosphere depends directly on how readily the corresponding ice vaporizes, astronomers have concluded that the components of Pluto’s atmosphere are nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane, in order of decreasing abundance. The astronomers’ argument relies on which one of the following assumptions? (A) There is no more frozen nitrogen on the surface of Pluto than there is either frozen carbon monoxide or methane. (B) Until space probes reach Pluto, direct analysis of the atmosphere is impossible. (C) There is no frozen substance on the surface of Pluto that vaporizes more readily than methane but less readily than carbon monoxide. (D) Nitrogen is found in the atmosphere of a planet only if nitrogen ice is found on the surface of that planet (E) A mixture of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane is characteristic of the substances from which the Solar System formed. 答案选C 这道题做错了应该是我对“in order of decreasing abundance"的意思理解错了 这个词语的意思到底是 "量依次递减"还是"按照量少的排在前的顺序"? 如果是后者的话那就是我理解错了 但这样理解岂不是太不符合正常思维了吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-23 16:48:30编辑过] |