那我就继续问啦~~ 我感觉我做不来的题主要还是题意没理解透 15. Twenty years ago the Republic of Rosinia produced nearly 100 million tons of potatoes, but last year the harvest barely reached 60 million tons. Agricultural researchers, who have failed to develop new higher yielding strains of potatoes, are to blame for this decrease, since they have been concerned only with their own research and not with the needs of Rosinia. Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? (A) Any current attempts by agricultural researchers to develop higher-yielding potato strains are futile. (B) Strains of potatoes most commonly grown in Rosinia could not have produced the yields last year that they once did. (C) Agricultural researchers often find concrete solutions to practical problems when investigating seemingly unrelated questions. (D) Wide fluctuations in the size of the potato crop over a twenty-year period are not unusual. (E) Agricultural research in Rosinia is funded by government grants. 答案是B B的意思感觉有点儿绕 "commonly grown strains本不应该有去年这个产量,而这个产量以前它们也有过" 怎么起到assumption作用了呢? 17. Samples from the floor of a rock shelter in Pennsylvania were dated by analyzing the carbon they contained. The dates assigned to samples associated with human activities formed a consistent series, beginning with the present and going back in time, a series that was correlated with the depth from which the samples came. The oldest and deepest sample was dated at 19,650 years before the present, plus or minus 2,400 years. Skeptic, viewing that date as too early and inconsistent with the accepted date of human migration into North America, suggested that the samples could have been contaminated by dissolved “old carbon” carried by percolating groundwater from nearby coal deposits. Which one of the following considerations, if true, argues most strongly against the suggestion of the skeptics? (A) No likely mechanism of contamination involving percolating groundwater would have affected the deeper samples from the site without affecting the uppermost sample. (B) Not every application of the carbon-dating procedure has led to results that have been generally acceptable to scientists. (C) There is no evidence that people were using coal for fuel at any time when the deepest layer might have been laid down. (D) No sample in the series, when retested by the carbon-dating procedure, was assigned an earlier date than that assigned to a sample from a layer above it. (E) No North American site besides the one in Pennsylvania has ever yielded a sample to which the carbon-dating procedure assigned a date that was comparably ancient. 这个可以根据排除法选出答案是A 但关于A我的疑问是: A的意思是说 渗透的地下水若污染了低层的samples则也必定会污染高层的samples 但题干根本没涉及高层的samples有没有被污染啊,甚至都没提到高层的sanmples 这个可不可以看做无关呢?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-24 20:54:14编辑过] |