OG看过N遍了 但是每次有疑问都懒得问...这次下定决心要解决一下历史遗留问题咯~~请各位NN们帮帮忙啦~~呵呵 可能有些问题很偏 很不着调 很钻牛角尖...但是 俺是真的想把这些题搞透彻啦 OG11-4 A survey by the National Council of Chruch showed that in 1986 there were 20,736 female ministers,almost 9 percent of the nation's clergy,twice as much as 1977.(划线部分是A选项 正确答案是D) 正确答案我看懂了...答案对A的解释是“much is incorrectly applied to ministers” (1)为什么twice as much as不是修饰的9 percent 呢?既是“以前是4.5 percent 现在twive了一下 变成了9 percent” 书上一针见血地指出“incorrectly applied to ministers” 是因为almost 9 percent og the nation's clergy是插入语 can be dropped,所以twice 修饰的是插入语前的minister, 还是因为 呵呵 其实出题人也没想这么多 俺又想多了... (2)如果上面那个问题太绕,就绕过去吧^^ 再问,如果划线的地方想说“相对于1997年 比例增长了一倍”那应该怎么表达呢? 是用much吗? 谢谢~~~^^ |