3月11号网上面试了香港浸会.今天发了邮件大概这么问的: I took the net interview on March 11, 2009. I wonder when the admission committee will make the final decision.Could you please tell me my application status as soon as possible? 答复是:For the last question, that means your result of the interview. According to our record, you are recommended to admit to our programme, you should have received the official admission letter in these two weeks.
本来今年不打算申请了都...但是后来卡着截至时间申了4所学校.一直都没有消息...心情郁闷的很~~今天看到这个一阵开心.但是感觉心里很不踏实...别我理解错了瞎高兴一场..... 望大家一定要帮我解释下哦!!!不胜感激~~~ |