8. One pervasive theory explains the introduction of breakfast cereals in the early 1900s as a result of the growing number of automobiles, which led to a decline in horse ownership and a subsequent grain glut; by persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed, market equilibrium was restored. (A) by persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed, market equilibrium was restored (B) persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed restored market equilibrium (C) by persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed, it restored market equilibrium (D) the persuasion of people to eat what had previously been horse feed restored market equilibrium (E) market equilibrium was restored when people were persuaded to eat former horse feed
这题的答案是B。而我选的是D。 看了前人的解释主要是如下: 有人认为:B和D的区别在于逻辑主语的不同,实际上是考主谓搭配的逻辑性,也就是说restore这个动作是谁来实施的,显然是persuading people的动名词结构。 还有人认为:persuading people - same logic subject with the sentence before "One/The theory persuading people..." (D)of people - different logic subject " the persuasion ..."
没有太懂,还望大家看看! 针对第一种看法:逻辑主语我认为可以是persuading people也可以是the persuasion ,两者是都可以的! 针对第二种看法:One pervasive theory 是用来解释麦片增加的原因的,这个用于解释早已发生的事情的原理不可能回到过去去persuading people吃麦片吧? 针对以上两点,还望大家解答》
看完答案后,我个人认为D的错误原因是the persuasion of people 短语有歧义:到底是人们去persuasion还是人们被persuasion,看不出来!所以背对!不知我的理解对不对!
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-15 14:02:11编辑过] |