Thank you for your time. in response to that: I think the only thing that shows my leadership is my CMAA experience as a VP. I also taught freshman year lab class for two years. and I held workshop for students. I guess that's it. "Why Stanford" is a really easy question for me, how the University was found means so much to me and it fits my personality as well, so that wouln't be a problem. why MBA is a kinda awkward question to me. isn't MBA a nessasity if one needs to develop a well-rounded management skill? and the thing is, before I read the experience of other people here, I was feeling OK, but then I found that people are like monsters and they, i mean, you guys are all people with super great background. I believe that I have all the potentials, it's just that i dont have enough experience to show it but i do have what it takes to get in. so, I mean, do I need to work for some time and then apply? that's what bothers me the most. Thank you~!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-27 12:30:58编辑过] |