以下是引用carefield在2003-5-6 23:38:00的发言: 3.Some bat caves, like honeybee hives, have residents that take on different duties such as defending the entrance, acting as sentinels and to sound a warning at the approach of danger, and scouting outside the cave for new food and roosting sites. (A) acting as sentinels and to sound (B) acting as sentinels and sounding (C) to act as sentinels and sound (D) to act as sentinels and to sound (E) to act as a sentinel sounding
KEYB, 但如果是这样acting as sentinels and sounding a warning, 这个AND是和谁并列呢? 如果和DEFENDING, SOUNDING并列, 是不是应该省掉AND?
carefield sis
good question there. 这里是个双重并列。即acting as sentinels and sounding小并列, 他们有作为整体和前后短语构成大并列。多重并列经常考到,请留心小结。
10。 倒装: 1、介词短语置首; 2、only, so 等词置首; en~~具体LXM书中有祥解,我说不好。
19. very good question! pls refer to http://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=23&ID=893