The application process is similar to that of the US schools. About scholarship - I did not get any scholarship from IESE. It is an expensive school though. I am comparing which one is better. As a matter of fact i have to decided between 3 schools.
ESADE - IESE - HEC. (Any pointers with regard to this is appreciated)
I am in beijing. I am a foreigner working in beijing. Would be heading to Barcelona for MBA. Do u live in beijing too? Coud u email me ur contact number so that i can caal u.
Well, I'd like to do it if there's anything I could help you. I'm a Chinese,now learning spainish in Barcelona, just having the idea to apply ESADE next year cause I'm afraid I don't have much time to prepare GAMT and apply it in time this year. Anyway, my Email is realleon(A), keep touch.
Thank you for the reply. Could you put some light on comparing IESE - ESADE - HEC. What are ur views about the prospects. I shall be heading to barcelona very soon.