前面搜到一篇帖子是关于这道题的,但是感觉解释的还是不是很清楚,麻烦各位再帮忙看看。谢谢! 原题填入正确答案后如下: The company announced that its profits delined much less in the second quarter than analysts had expected it to and its business will improve in the second half of the year, had expected and that its business would improve. 这里逗号之后的部分有几个疑问: 1. had expected是不是用来修饰前面业务会在下半年增长这个事实的?如果是,前面所述事实和expect之间应是被动的关系,但是had expected可以直接表示被动吗? 2. and that its business would improve放在这里是什么意思?既然逗号前出现了its business will improve这样的一般将来时,逗号后的business为何不能用一般将来时? |