从白勇的书上看到一题,P182 Q58 Originally developed for detecting air polluants, a technique called proton-induced x-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, is finding uses in medincine, archaeology, and criminology. 选项E. A technique that was originally developed for detecting air polluants and has the ability to analyze the chemical elements quickly in almost any substance and without destroying the substance, called proton-induced x-ray emissionm, 答案选A 书上给出E错的原因是called for...与 a technique 相隔太远,所以只能就近修饰substance,导致修饰关系不合理。 可是原句里的 ,which can quickly... 定语从句离technique也有一段距离啊,这就不算远了?不会去修饰emission了? E到底是因为书上给的原因错了还是因为 and without 才错的? 还有说这里就应该用can 而不用have the ability to.. 可是这里明明是technique有能力来干这些事的啊,为什么要用can? 最后请教下到 分词短语,that从句,which从句到底都什么时候可以跳跃修饰什么时候只能就近修饰呢? |