1. Climatic shifts are sogradual as to be indistinguishable at first from ordinary fluctuations inthe weather. (A) so gradual asto be indistinguishable (B) so gradualthey can be indistinguishable (C) so gradualthat they are unable to be distinguished (D) gradual enoughnot to be distinguishable(A) (E) gradual enoughso that one cannot distinguish them
1. Congress is debating a billrequiring certain employers provide workers with unpaid leave so as to carefor sick or newborn children. (A) provideworkers with unpaid leave so as to (B) to provideworkers with unpaid leave so as to (C) provideworkers with unpaid leave in order that they (D) to provideworkers with unpaid leave so that they can(D) (E) provideworkers with unpaid leave and 这道答案是D。。。 我就看不明白了。。到底什么时候要加代词呢。第二题,用so as to会有歧义么??求大牛指点