171. Even though it was not illegal for the bank to share its customers' personal and financial information with an outside marketing company in return for a commission on sales, the state's attorney general accused the bank of engaging in deceptive business practices by failing to honor its promise to its customers to keep records private. A. by failing to honor its promise to its customers to keep B. by its failure of honoring its promise to its customers to keep C. in its failing to honor its promise to its customers of keeping D. because of its failure in honoring its promise to its customers in keeping E. because of its failure to honor its promise to its customers of A: correct B: failure不如failing简洁 C: its failing是动名词不简洁 D: 同上 E: 同上 注意: 1、 当because of, by doing, because, due to, by + 名词等在选项句首,第一选择是because连词,其次是by doing,因为动词比名词更能表达的意思更完整;注意此点和动词名词化的区别,前者往往有主语表明动词的发出者,后者往往是介词+动词或介词+名词。 Failure不如failing简洁吗?各个选项看下来也不太明白它们间的区别。。。 |