写得第一篇文章,字数400出头,不知道能得几分,请大家使劲拍拍。小女子谢过了。PS:正规考试中,字数一般要求多少啊~ Whether job security and salary should be based on employee performance or on years of service is really a controversial problem. Different companies, large or small, abroad or home, and different office leaders will definitely fail to have the same idea completely. In fact, it's a variety of reasons that determine this complex decision.
First of all, performance is an abstract conception which is difficult to measure, not to mention to award. Some even the most successful employers can't see into the genuine performance the employees perform. It's beyond your imaginary that this seemingly intelligent worker's excellent performance is only short-time, and even just performed because you are there. For example, my friend Jennifer, a HR of P.R., a large company in Dalian City, complained about her unfortunate experience in P.R.. In the first year she joined in the company, she was excited about her employees' fantastic performance. However, when she saw the sales of company of her part, she knew that what she saw was all false. It is the image that misled her. Therefore, we should recognize the best way to reward our employees.
Secondly, no one can deny that if a worker works a long time in a company, and does a good job in long term, he is really someone the company should reward. The Study Curve tells us that the more you repeat the same thing, the more you are effective and efficient. The workers who work a lot of years are such examples. In some emergency, it is the employees who are in company a long term that save the company, for they are more familiar with the company's organization and character and more experienced. That's why the job hunters who have years of experience have more alternatives.
However, overextended emphasizing on the importance of years of service is biased. There are many phenomenon that some employees depend on their years of experience not to go on striving, thus jeopardize the productivity. Many companies bankrupt because of that. It does harm not only to the company itself, but also to the nation, even the whole world. Therefore, it's important for us to carefully determine in accordance with what criteria to reward the employees.
Generally speaking, job security and salary should be based on the years of service. However, it can't be done overextended. That is to say, a balance of years of service and other factors is a pivotal method.
Whether job security and salary should be based on employee performance or on years of service is really a controversial problem. Different companies, large or small, abroad or home, and different office leaders will definitely fail to have the same idea completely. In fact, it's a variety of reasons that determine this complex decision.
First of all, performance is an abstract conception which is difficult to measure, not to mention to award. Some even the most successful employers can't see into the genuine performance the employees perform. It's beyond your imaginary that this seemingly intelligent worker's excellent performance is only short-time, and even just performed because you are there. For example, my friend Jennifer, a HR of P.R., a large company in Dalian City, complained about her unfortunate experience in P.R.. In the first year she joined in the company, she was excited about her employees' fantastic performance. However, when she saw the sales of company of her part, she knew that what she saw was all false. It is the image that misled her. Therefore, we should recognize the best way to reward our employees.
Secondly, no one can deny that if a worker works a long time in a company, and does a good job in long term, he is really someone the company should reward. The Study Curve tells us that the more you repeat the same thing, the more you are effective and efficient. The workers who work a lot of years are such examples. In some emergency, it is the employees who are in company a long term that save the company, for they are more familiar with the company's organization and character and more experienced. That's why the job hunters who have years of experience have more alternatives.
However, overextended emphasizing on the importance of years of service is biased. There are many phenomenon that some employees depend on their years of experience not to go on striving, thus jeopardize the productivity. Many companies bankrupt because of that. It does harm not only to the company itself, but also to the nation, even the whole world. Therefore, it's important for us to carefully determine in accordance with what criteria to reward the employees.
Generally speaking, job security and salary should be based on the years of service. However, it can't be done overextended. That is to say, a balance of years of service and other factors is a pivotal method.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-17 10:42:47编辑过] |