109. Legislation in the Canadian province of Ontario requires of both public and private employers that pay be the same for jobs historically held by women as for jobs requiring comparable skill that are usually held by men. (A) that pay be the same for jobs historically held by women as for jobs requiring comparable skill that are (B) that pay for jobs historically held by women should be the same as for a job requiring comparable skills (C) to pay the same in jobs historically held by women as in jobs of comparable skill that are (D) to pay the same regardless of whether a job was historically held by women or is one demanding comparable skills (E) to pay as much for jobs historically held by women as for a job demanding comparable skills
想借用本题讨论一下定语/定语从句的位置问题. 记得在XDF好象听到说, ETS的原则是定语/定语从句尽量紧跟在被修饰的名词后面. 而OG对这题的解释让我对这个问题有了点新的看法.
正确答案A 在jobs requiring comparable skill that are usually held by men中, 很明显jobs是被定语从句修饰的名词, job和定语从句并没有紧挨在一起. 由此可以推出结论(1)定语从句和被修饰的名词不需要紧挨在一起
另外OG关于选项B,D和E的解释很有意思: in choices B, D, and E, the wording illogically describes the comparable skills rather than the jobs as being “usually held by men. 也就是说: B) ...a job requiring comparable skills usually held by men D) ...one (job) demanding comparable skills usually held by men E) ... a job demanding comparable skills usually held by men
usually held by men 都去修饰skills了. 由此是否可以推出结论(2)做定语的成份(可以是分词, 不定式等等)只修饰前面紧挨着的名词
一家之言, 大家来讨论一下. 最好能再找几个例子, 发现有例外的情况最好.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-1-10 1:32:50编辑过] |