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[SC总结] 讨论贴:面对新的语法点,面对模棱两可,你会怎么办?

发表于 2010-8-24 11:56:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

在没有native speaker那般强大语感的后台支撑之下,不论我们如何细致周到地复习,总会遇到不懂的词,未曾谋面的语法点,使我们在练习的时候正确率上不去,更甚的是往往在考试的时候使得"运气不佳"的同胞们几月心血功亏一篑。




Archaeologists in Ireland believe that a recently discovered chalice, which dates from the eighth century, was probably buried to keep from being stolen by invaders.
(A) to keep from
(B) to keep it from
(C) to avoid
(D) in order that it would avoid
(E) in order to keep from
比如这题,在没有强大语感支持下,往往会忽略aviod表达的是一种主动含义,如果选择了C,仿佛是再说chalice主动地去aviod being stolen;其次,如果选了A,那么keep的行使对象又不明确,所以应该加上it以指代chalice,B为正选。

Bob Wilber became Sidney Bechet’s student and protégé when he was nineteen and, for a few years in the 1940’s, came as close to being a carbon copy of the jazz virtuoso in performance as anyone has ever come.
(A) as anyone has ever come
(B) as anyone ever had been
(C) as anyone ever had done
(D) that anyone ever did
(E) that anyone ever came
首先virtuoso不认识,致使carbon copy of the jazz virtuoso无法理解,这是迫使我们回读、降低做题速度的拦路虎之一。其次,在选项中往往会迷惑于A为何没有与前面的过去时态保持一致用过去完成时,而是用了现在完成时,让人犹豫,一急反而不选A这个唯一与前面的came平行的选项了。实际上,只要思考一下并没有一定要使用过去完成时的理由,即可敲定,在此题时态不是问题。
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-24 11:58:27 | 只看该作者
1.  语法规则的先入为主,而未能究其根本放下“偏见”。
2.  生词加上时间紧迫,诱发误判。

1.  保持冷静,不要以不肯定的考点就轻易选择,一定要稍微多花点时间分析完所有的考点再做决定。
2.  没有根据不轻易排除选项,没有见过的表达不轻易排除,逗号较多也不轻易排除。
     tip: 可以在草稿纸上分成A,B,C,D,E五栏,不能轻易排除的先打问号,能排除的先删去。
3.  如果剩下的几个选项感觉还是都有错误,那么排除错误大的为先-->没有歧义是第一大要害,解题时以此点为先,主谓一致、平行结构、逻辑含义、代词指代四是四大破题点。其他错误,如less后面是否一定跟单数名词或不可数名词等都是要看具体题目含义的。
发表于 2010-8-26 00:49:59 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-8-26 11:28:53 | 只看该作者
: )頂
发表于 2010-8-26 20:30:46 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-26 20:40:54 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-8-26 21:16:31 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 aeoluseros (2010/8/26 20:40:54)

118. (30767-!-item-!-188;#058&004308)

It was only after Katharine Graham became publisher of The Washington Post in 1963 that it moved
into the first rank of American newspapers, and it was under her command that the paper won high
praise for its unrelenting reporting of the Watergate scandal.
(A) It was only after Katharine Graham became publisher of The Washington Post in 1963 that it
moved into the first rank of American newspapers, and it was under her command that the paper
won high praise
(B) It was only after Katharine Graham's becoming publisher of The Washington Post in 1963 that it
moved into the first rank of American newspapers, and under her command it had won high praise
(C) Katharine Graham became publisher of The Washington Post in 1963, and only after that did it
move into the first rank of American newspapers, having won high praise under her command
(D) Moving into the first rank of American newspapers only after Katharine Graham became its
publisher in 1963, The Washington Post, winning high praise under her command
(E) Moving into the first rank of American newspapers only after Katharine Graham's becoming its
publisher in 1963, The Washington Post won high praise under her command
答案是A,可我不明白那个it(红色的那个)it they等代词不能指代AofB中的B的啊?of B是个定语,不能指代定语啊。
发表于 2010-8-26 21:18:26 | 只看该作者
up up ~~!
发表于 2010-8-26 21:33:12 | 只看该作者
Bob Wilber became Sidney Bechet’s student and protégé when he was nineteen and, for a few years in the 1940’s, came as close to being a carbon copy of the jazz virtuoso in performance as anyone has ever come.
(A) as anyone has ever come
(B) as anyone ever had been
(C) as anyone ever had done
(D) that anyone ever did
(E) that anyone ever came

额。。。因为单词不认识,所以我错误以为应该和being平行,选B了。。。原来是come to be....
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-27 05:00:06 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 aeoluseros (2010/8/26 20:40:54)

118. (30767-!-item-!-188;#058&004308)
It was only after Katharine Graham became publisher of The Washington Post in 1963 that it moved
into the first rank of American newspapers, and it was under her command that the paper won high
for its unrelenting reporting of the Watergate scandal.
(A) It was only after Katharine Graham became publisher of The Washington Post in 1963 that it
moved into the first rank of American newspapers, and it was under her command that the paper
won high praise
(B) It was only after Katharine Graham's becoming publisher of The Washington Post in 1963 that it
moved into the first rank of American newspapers, and under her command it had won high praise
(C) Katharine Graham became publisher of The Washington Post in 1963, and only after that did it
move into the first rank of American newspapers, having won high praise under her command
(D) Moving into the first rank of American newspapers only after Katharine Graham became its
publisher in 1963, The Washington Post, winning high praise under her command
(E) Moving into the first rank of American newspapers only after Katharine Graham's becoming its
publisher in 1963, The Washington Post won high praise under her command
答案是A,可我不明白那个it(红色的那个)it they等代词不能指代AofB中的B的啊?of B是个定语,不能指代定语啊。
-- by 会员 Christianyang (2010/8/26 21:16:31)

umm...或许是受了"it是完全指代"这个概念的影响,所以觉得it应该指代整个短语A of B,而不仅仅是B,但事实上B也是一个完整的成分。如果换为所有格形式,The Washington Post's publisher,那么it就无法指代The Washington Post了,因为The Washington Post's已经成为了形容词。

代词指代有且只有一个原则:逻辑清晰。知道这个原则,就不应该轻易下判断it不能指代A of B里面的B,而应该保持观望态度先看看其他错误了。
OGpurple  11-107   The physical structure of the human eye enables it to sense light of wavelengths up to 0.0005 millimeters; infrared radiation, however, is invisible because its wavelength—0.1 millimeters--is too long to be registered by the eye.
此题前面的A of B结构是The physical structure of the human eye,it指代the human eye.因为structure不能sense light.
OG12-51. A new study suggests that the conversational pace of everyday life may be so brisk that it hampers the ability of some children to distinguish discrete sounds and words and, as a result, to make sense of speech.
这道题,it指代的就是the conversational pace of everyday life而不是everyday life,因为只有某种类型的everyday life才会hamper the ability of some children。
所以结论就是,如果是A of B短语,后面的it是指代A OF B还是仅仅指代B,是看逻辑含义的。
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